Stop Binge Eating With Dr. Julia
Stop Binge Eating With Dr. Julia
Binge eating disorder is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. People with binge eating disorder struggle with uncontrolled episodes of overeating, during which they consume large amounts of food in a short period of time. This behavior can have a significant impact on an individual’s physical and mental health, causing them to feel embarrassed, ashamed, and hopeless.
Our Purpose
Dr. Julia understands the challenges that come with binge eating disorder and is here to help. Our weight loss service is specifically designed for individuals who struggle with binge eating, and our goal is to help them break the cycle of overeating and improve their overall well-being.
Video appointments are now available for all new and existing patients in our practice. You can continue scheduling appointments online or call our office at (520)-261-6533 to set up your telepsychiatry visit.